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Hitting the ball into a different court

published on the catalyst online

When reviewing the movie "King Richard" I ended up watching the film twice because I felt like I missed parts the first time around. In my review I really focused on incorporating the little aspects of the film since Venus and Serena's story is widely known and I did not want to give too much of the plot away for those who were unfamiliar with their tennis stardom. 

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The movie "Jungle Cruise" incorporates a lot of fun language and jokes to mirror the popular Walt Disney World attraction, so I incorporated that type of wording into my review. I emphasized adding vibrant voice to keep the reader's attention and engage them in the story. I also focused on pointing out a major fault that the movie had, even though it was intended to add more diversity to the film. Since this was my first review, there are a few AP Style errors that I made with the movie title but I learned and fixed that in later reviews.

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